Transformers: Animated

Episode Guide

Credit goes to Wikipedia.

Season One
(16 episodes – first broadcast 2007 – 2008)

01 “Transform and Roll Out! Part 1”

When a small space bridge repair crew, consisting of Optimus Prime, an idealistic former Autobot Academy guard, Bumblebee, an energetic hotshot, Bulkhead, a large wrecking-ball wielding worker, Prowl, a ninja-like loner, and grumpy Cybertronian War veteran and medic Ratchet find the Allspark amongst the meteors when clearing a space bridge in an asteroid field, they also find a ship of Decepticons looking for them. Heading back to Cybertron, their Supreme Commander Ultra Magnus is unconcerned with the threat of the Decepticons, but tells them not to play at being heroes. The Decepticons led by Megatron attack to claim the Allspark.

02 “Transform and Roll Out! Part 2”

50 Earth years later in New Detroit, known robotics inventor Isaac Sumdac is demonstrating a new invention involving nanobots in a robotic cockroach which ends up going horribly wrong and mutating the creature into a monster. When the police and SWAT are unable to fend off the giant bug, the Autobots are accidentally woken up from their stasis nap. Taking on new vehicle forms, (Optimus becomes a fire truck, Bumblebee becomes a yellow police car, Prowl becomes a police motorcycle, Bulkhead becomes an armored S.W.A.T van, and Ratchet becomes an ambulance) the Autobots battle and defeat the nanotech creature, and also meet Isaac’s daughter Sari Sumdac, a spunky young girl who’s security key card is transformed by the Allspark into a transformable key capable of healing the Autobots’ injuries. Prowl is badly injured and healed by this method. The Autobots become the cities ‘Cybernetic Superheroes’, and put their skills to work helping people, fighting fires and such. Meanwhile, The Decepticon Starscream, who originally betrayed Megatron, arrives on Earth to look for the Allspark.

03 “Transform and Roll Out! Part 3”

The Decepticon Starscream arrives on Earth to look for the Allspark. His ruthless and sudden attacks shake up everyone, from the military to the Autobots. To obtain it, he kidnaps Isaac Sumdac, Bumblebee, the mayor of New Detroit, and police Captain Fanzone and holds them for ransom. He also reveals that he betrayed Megatron years ago, resulting in their being stranded on Earth. The Autobot team battles the demented Decepticon and must utilize teamwork in order to stop him. But when Starscream gets possession of the Allspark, after the Autobots save Sumdac and the others, Optimus puts himself on the line to stop Starscream from destroying the city. In a pitched fight, Starscream is supposedly destroyed and Optimus is fatally wounded. Sari uses her key to heal Prime, with some help from the Allspark. Some hours later Isaac Sumdac is shown to have Megatron’s head and hand in his laboratory, which is where his robotics empire came from.

04 “Home Is Where the Spark Is”

The Autobots continue to defend the city while making their home in the abandoned automobile plant Sari set them up in. Optimus also encounters a Robin Hood-like thief called The Angry Archer, whom he stops from robbing an armored car. Sari accidentally uses her key to wake up Megatron, who is upset that his subordinate Starscream has betrayed him, but worse that he is only a head inside Sumdac’s lab. However, he finds he is able to manipulate Sumdac’s technology and uses a small pocket bot to infiltrate the Autobots new base. There he finds that Sari is introducing the Autobots to an Earth tradition called ‘The Sleepover’ and uses her key to scare Bumblebee. Megatron takes control of the abandoned automobile plant and uses it to attack the Autobots. Prowl, who has become fascinated with organic life that surrounds them, is able to utilize his agility and patience to evade the motion sensors and directs Bumblebee into disabling the plant systems.

05 “Total Meltdown”

After having his funding cut by Porter C. Powell after Cyrus “The Colossus” Rhodes goes berserk during a demonstration, Prometheus Black experiments with the fluid leaked by Bumblebee which results in Prometheus becoming Meltdown. With his new melting powers, he vows to eliminate Isaac Sumdac.

06 “Blast From the Past”

Megatron has just made himself known to Isaac Sumdac and tricks the inventor into thinking that he is an Autobot. He then helps him in reprogramming some robotic dinosaurs after Bulkhead accidentally destroys them at a robotic theme park. While Sumdac tries to rebuild them, Prowl teaches Bulkhead how to ‘think and move’. Behind Isaac’s back, Megatron upgrades these Dinobots Grimlock (a Tyrannosaurus), Snarl (a Triceratops) and Swoop (a Pteranodon) to become his new attack drones. But during their ‘rampage’, both Ratchet and Bumblebee try to use an electromagnetic attack to disable them. However, Sari’s key gets pulled into the mix, which gives the Dinobots a small semblance of ‘a spark’. Megatron tricks’ them into attacking the Autobots, which forces the Cybertronian heroes to battle them. It is during this fight that Bulkhead proves to be exactly what the Autobots need to stop the Dinobots, his muscle more than a match for the Dinobots muscle. Sumdac thinks it would be better to dismantle the Dinobots, and Prime agrees, but Prowl, who senses a life force inside them, and Bulkhead take the Dinobots to an island in the middle of Lake Erie where they can exist peacefully.

07 “Thrill of the Hunt”

Ratchet thinks back to the time when he served in the Cybertronian War as a field medic. During the fighting, he was sent to rescue an Intelligence agent named Arcee who was injured during the fighting. The intelligence codes she possesses could turn the war in the Decepticons favor. For that reason, Megatron sends the the bounty hunter-for-hire Lockdown, to capture her, snagging Ratchet in the process. Back in the present, Lockdown has resurfaced and uses Ratchet’s EMP generator to capture Optimus Prime. Recruited by Blitzwing and Lugnut to locate the Autobots who destroyed Megatron, Lockdown is revealed to be just a bounty hunter who doesn’t care about the Decepticon’s cause and just does it for the ‘upgrades’ he can get. Ratchet also reveals that the EMP generator Lockdown stole from him, which he used to repair injuries, doesn’t work on the one bot it was designed for, namely him! But Ratchet also despises Lockdown for turning a medical tool into a weapon, and forcing him to use the generator to wipe out Arcee’s memory so that the Decepticons wouldn’t get hold of her security codes. But as a result, she wiped out every other memory she ever had, even of Ratchet and herself. Lockdown is apparently destroyed when his ship crashes into a bridge and Ratchet reveals to Prime that his encounter with Lockdown and Arcee is one of the reasons he is the way he is.

08 “Nanosec”

To obtain Destronium to help rebuild his body, Megatron bails a fleet-footed thief named Nino Sexton out of jail and gives him Isaac Sumdac’s experimental super-speed suit to obtain the Destronium for him. Since the Destronium is highly unstable it needs to be transported quickly from the research lab to Megatron directly. Megatron uses Sumdac’s private bank account to make Sexton do the job. Having arrested Nino Sexton before, the Autobots are shocked to learn that he now has super speed powers, which makes Bumblebee upset that Nanosec, Sexton’s new name, is faster than him. Even with a pair of experimental rocket boosters created by Sumdac, Bumblebee is unable to truly catch Nanosec. However, the Autobots make two startling discoveries: 1-Nanosec’s new speed suit is making him age rapidly, and 2-their constant movements are destabilizing the Destronium which will cause it to explode and take out half of Detroit. The Autobots use their combined talents (Bulkhead’s battering arm, Prowl’s jump boosters and Bumlebee’s rocket boosters) to launch Bumblebee into the upper atmosphere where he hurls the Destronium away before it explodes.

09 “Along Came a Spider”

It’s Halloween and Sari introduces the Autobots to Earth’s costume-and-candy traditions. However, the entire affair brings up bad memories for Optimus, who is haunted by the ghosts of his past, specifically when he and his fellow bots, the cocky and arrogant Sentinel Prime and power-mimicking Elita One were looking for a crashed Decepticon ship loaded with energon cubes. When Sari takes Bumblebee and Bulkhead trick or treating, the spider-like Decepticon Blackarachnia shows up and targets Sari’s key. She wants the key to get rid of her organic half that she got when she was on an organic planet infested with giant spiders. The spider’s venom somehow mutated her Cybertronian systems, making her ‘a freak’. After seeing how Sari’s key can heal Autobots, she wants to use it to purge her organic half. However, her body can’t survive without her organic half now and as a result of using the key, she nearly kills off all organic matter in the entire city (which includes herself and Sari). Optimus gets the key away from her and Blackarachnia escapes, alone once again.

10 “Sound and Fury”

Megatron creates Soundwave, a robot in the form of a toy robot for Isaac to give to Sari for her birthday. Bulkhead is the only one who finds the toy to be a bad thing and finds out that the toy is evil. Unknown to Sari, the more she uses her key on Soundwave, the more he will evolve into a bigger robot. After using the key many times Soundwave becomes self-aware and assembles all the robots in Detroit to combines with them to make Soundwave’s final form. When the Autobots catch wind of Soundwave’s plan, they try to help out. The Autobots get overwhelmed and Bulkhead goes down to the sewers to confront Soundwave. Soundwave tries to convince Bulkhead to his logic. Bulkhead tricks Soundwave and smashes him to peices. We last see Soundwave as a cassette player.

11 “Lost and Found”

When Megatron’s two deadliest warriors, the split-personality Blitzwing and the strong, obsessively loyal Lugnut arrive on Earth looking for their leader Megatron, the pair tear up the city of Detroit. Optimus Prime and the Autobots battle the highly destructive Decepticons, only to get beaten back by their seemingly endless arsenal of weapons. Megatron, seeing that Lugnut is the most loyal, manages to make contact Lugnut and orders him to go an obtain Sari’s key. With the key they can locate the Allspark and with that Megatron will be able to return to power. Optimus decides to use Sari’s key to repair their ship so that they can get off the planet and lure the Decepticons away from them. But Sari doesn’t want them to go and stubbornly refuses to help them, even to the point of sabotaging their ship. However, the Allspark reveals that if Megatron gets the Allspark, he will destroy everyone and everything in the universe. While Optimus and the Autobots battle Blitzwing and Lugnut, Ratchet and Sari reactive their ships weapons system and blast the pair into scrap.

12 “Survival of the Fittest”

When Sari gets kidnapped by the Dinobots, Prowl and Bulkhead go to the island to find out what is going on. Captain Fanzone goes after them, suspicious of their reactions to this situation. It is on the island that, after teaming up, the trio encounter the Dinobots, who attack them. Prowl is naturally confused at this, until he discovers that they all have acid burns on their bodies. Worse, it is the work of Prometheus Black (AKA the acid-shooting Meltdown) who has forced the Dinobots to become his watchdogs, and wants to use Sari as part of his experiments to create a transforming human. His previous experiments having failed, Meltdown thinks that a still-growing human, as opposed to an adult, will have better results, and chooses Sari because he hates Sumdac. Bulkhead is injured by Meltdown and Prowl and Fanzone team up to fight Meltdown’s mutant freaks (the mammal-like one was his lawyer). They take out Meltdown by wrapping him in a non-corrosive containment suit and, after the Dinobots take out Meltdown’s mutants, return to the city, leaving the Dinobots on their island.

13 “Headmaster”

Henry Masterson, creator of the Headmaster exo-suits, is fired by Isaac who states that Sumdac Systems doesn’t make weapons of war even when it’s exo-suit makes one of Isaac’s robot models unstable. To take revenge on Isaac, Henry becomes Headmaster and plans his revenge by taking over Bulkhead’s body. The Headmaster eventually succeeds in taking over Bulkhead’s body, and fights the Autobots using it and weapons built into the Headmaster unit. He also causes the city’s generator-core to overload, threatening to destroy the city. By the time the Autobots defeat Headmaster and knock the Headmaster unit off Bulkhead, the overload is at the point where the only way to stop it is to manually push the containment-grid back into position. However, nobody can survive the conditions inside the core, so it’s essentially a suicide mission. At first, Optimus plans to do it himself, but Bulkhead has the idea of creating a new robot to do it. The Autobots create a patchwork robot in time, and Sari animates it with her key. The robot succeeds, and its melted, damaged, inanimate remains are put on display.

14 “Nature Calls”

While camping in the woods, Prowl, Bumblebee, and Sari end up discovering Cybertronian energy readings in the forest. It gets worse when they have a run-in with parasitic Space Barnacles, that have apparently taken over the Cybertronian body of their thought-to-have-been deceased enemy Megatron, and end up taking over Prowl and Bumblebee. Sari uses hot water to destroy the space barnacles, but Isaac Sumdac finds the body and takes it back to his lab to rebuild it.

15 “Megatron Rising Part 1”

When Starscream, Blitzwing, and Lugnut begin their invasion upon Earth, Optimus Prime demands that Sari hand over her key. This causes her to run away only for her to end up captured by Blackarachnia. Optimus begins to doubt his leadership when Megatron begins his next stage to have his body rebuilt. At teh end of the episode, Optimus watches in horror as Megatron rises to the sky, his body had been fully rebuilt by the robotic enginer, Proffeser Isaac Sumdac.

16 “Megatron Rising Part 2”

Now that Megatron’s body is rebuilt and designed to blend in on Earth, Optimus Prime, Prowl, and Bulkhead battle valiantly against him only to get brutally beaten. Then after punching Starscream (with the key sticking out of Megatron’s fist), Megatron uses Sari’s key to lead Lugnut and Blitzwing to Dinobot Island, unaware that Blackarachnia has beaten them to it. Ratchet rescues Sari. The battle between Optimus and Megatron leads them back to the Autobot ship and Megatron gets his hands on the Allspark. Then, Optimus Prime uses Sari’s key to tackle Megatron, destroys the Allspark, and cause Megatron some serious damage. Optimus returns the key to Sari and she starts to wonder where her father is. In the end, it is revealed that Megatron has kidnapped Issac Sumdac for some evil plan.

Season Two
(13 episodes – first broadcast 2008)

17 “The Elite Guard”

With Isaac Sumdac missing (he was actually captured by Megatron at the last minute), Sari has a hard time running his business. The Cybertron Elite Guard (consisting of Ultra Magnus, Jazz, and Sentinel Prime) have arrived on Earth to locate the Allspark. It is eventually discovered that the Allspark wasn’t destroyed, but dispersed throughout the city when an assembly line goes out of control. Meanwhile, Megatron has Isaac construct a Space Bridge so that his Decepticons can invade Cybertron. Following the aftermath, Sumdac System’s CEO Porter C. Powell reveals to Sari that there are no records of her birth or adoption meaning that Sari can’t prove herself to be the daughter of Isaac Sumdac.

18 “Return of the Headmaster”

With Sari evicted from Sumdac Tower, Porter C. Powell rehires Henry Masterson (aka “the Headmaster”) to help run Sumdac Systems. Henry then decides to test his Headmaster on one of the new Elite Guard bots. Setting his eye on Sentinel Prime, he fakes a Decepticon sighting and takes over Sentinel’s body, forcing Optimus and Sentinel to team up to get Sentinel’s body back without Ultra Magnus finding out. Meanwhile, Bumblebee and Bulkhead try to be supportive to Sari.

19 “Mission Accomplished”

Unaware of what Megatron is up to, the Elite Guard begin the removal of Optimus Prime and the other Autobots by sending them back to Cybertron to deal with a Decepticon uprising, yet things take a turn for the worse. As Blitzwing and Lugnut steal the Tachyon Transmitter from the Elite Guard’s ship for Megatron as part of a way to contact other Decepticons, Starscream returns to take his revenge on Megatron where he discovers that a fragment of the Allspark is what keeps him immortally alive.

20 “Garbage In, Garbage Out”

During Detroit’s garbage crisis, energy from the Allspark creates a Transformer from a pile of junk. This Transformer, named Wreck-Gar by Angry Archer, causes problems for the city. Crossing paths with Ratchet and Bumblebee (working to get Ratchet an attiude adjustment) and Lugnut, on the prowl for Wreck-Gar’s Allspark fragment, they will all find themselves caught by Porter C. Powell’s all-consuming micro-bots, made from Sumdac’s nano-tech from the first episode.

21 “Velocity”

After an encounter with a mysterious blue car that outsped him, Bumblebee competes in Master Disaster’s underground racing tournament which ends up getting Blitzwing involved when another Allspark fragment is detected.

22 “Rise of the Constructicons”

After energy from Allspark fragments turns two construction vehicles into Transformers named Scrapper and Mixmaster, Bulkhead befriends them. However, the Decepticons turn the tables on the Autobot’s new friends as they want the Constructicons to steal supplies for Megatron’s space bridge.

23 “A Fistful of Energon”

Prowl goes off on his own to capture the fugitive Starscream after he escapes from the Elite Guard. In a showdown on the Moon, Prowl discovers he has competition: the famed bounty hunter Lockdown. Deciding the only way to take him down is teaming up, Prowl gets caught up with Lockdown’s upgrades and intentions. Can they capture Starscream?

24 “S.U.V. – Society of Ultimate Villainy”

Under the orders of a mysterious benefactor, Angry Archer, Nanosec, Professor Princess, and a new villain called Slo-Mo band together to defeat the Autobots. The Autobots soon discover that the S.U.V.’s mysterious benefactor is the Decepticon arms dealer Swindle.

25 “Autoboot Camp”

After a mysterious convict escapes Autobot custody, Ultra Magnus contacts the earth-bound Autobots so they can identify him in case he shows up on Earth. Bumblebee recognizes the convict as Wasp, a bot he ran into back when he was in boot camp and whom he put away in jail in the first place as a traitor. He and Bulkhead then go on a, as Bulkhead puts it, “a wild grease chase” to find Megatron’s base and nail Wasp at the same time after receiving a chat room between Megatron and the mysterious “double agent on Cybertron,” revealed to be the Decepticon Shockwave, posing as an Autobot named Longarm, who helped Bumblebee frame Wasp.

26 “Black Friday”

Blackarachnia has recovered after trying to get the Allspark, and has seduced Grimlock and his team to free Meltdown so he can use his intelligence in the field of genetic modification to purge her organic spider half. Meltdown, however, needs a certain genetic modifier to complete this task, so Blackarachnia blackmails Optimus and Grimlock into getting it by threatening Bumblebee and Prowl and infecting them with her venom. Whether Optimus and Grimlock can work together isn’t the only problem, for Meltdown may not be purging the half that Blackarachnia thinks.

27 “Sari, No One’s Home”

When the Autobots are away fighting Blitzwing, Sari must defend the Autobots’ home base from the ‘invading’ Constructicons.

28 “A Bridge Too Close, Part 1”

In his plan to take over Cybertron, Megatron captures Bulkhead as Shockwave mentions that he’s a top space bridge engineer. With the threat of using the confiscated Headmaster unit on him and Constructicon assistance, Bulkhead is forced to help. The Autobots plan a rescue party and discover that the Blue Racecar is actually an Autobot called Blurr.

29 “A Bridge Too Close, Part 2”

To save Earth and Cybertron, the Autobots face off against Megatron and the Decepticons. However, Starscream and his clones attack Megatron’s hideout. In the climax of the battle, the Autobot Ship takes on a robot form called Omega Supreme, after which Sari is revealed to have robotic components.

Season Three
(13 episodes – first broadcast 2009)

30/31/32 “Transwarped”

As Sari and Professor Sumdac deal with the fallout of her shocking discovery, the Autobots try to contact Cybertron to warn them of the traitor Longarm in their midst. Meanwhile, Megatron inadvertently stumbles upon a new plan to conquer Cybertron, where an increasingly desperate Longarm/Shockwave tries to cover his tracks. When the Autobots left to save Bumblebee, Sari uses her Key to upgrade herself to help the Autobots, but soon she loses control of her body, so Ratchet uses EMP to knock her out. Bumblebee is rescued and Sari now has a teenage body, instead of child body. While all this happens, most of the character’s who dissapeared in the second season finale(Blurr, the Starscream clones, Omega Supreme) fates are revealed.

33 “Three’s A Crowd”

Bulkhead and Isaac Sumdac try to rebuild the Space Bridge that Megatron had built. When Bulkhead convinces the Constructicons to help out, a combination of a forklift, a Headmaster unit and an Allspark fragment gives birth to Dirt Boss. Meanwhile, the others track down any remaining Decepticons and run into Lugnut.

34 “Where Is Thy Sting”

A crazed Wasp finds his way to Earth to exact his revenge on Bumblebee... but he doesn’t count on the Elite Guard following him. When Wasp swaps bodies with Bumblebee, Bumblebee must try to convince the Autobots and the Elite Guard who he is. At the same time, Optimus Prime tries to convince Sentinel that Longarm Prime is actually the Decepticon Shockwave. In the end, Shockwave savagely attacked Ultra Magnus after his identity has been revealed.

35 “Five Servos of Doom”

Sentinel Prime has incredible success capturing fugitive Decepticons Sunstorm, Blitzwing, Swindle (who is still frozen in vehicle form), and Lugnut. This leads Prowl to suspect he’s getting help. As he flashes back to his training under Yoketron, Prowl discovers that Lockdown is helping Sentinel for a price. Prowl ultimately defeats Lockdown, avenging Yokitron’s death and regaining Yoketron’s helmet as well as his upgrade armor in the process, but the bounty hunter escapes. Warpath and Yoketron make their debuts. Note: Prowl is seen in all following episodes wearing his armor and Yoketron’s helmet.

36 “Predacons Rising”

The Autobots and the Elite Guard pursue Wasp for their own agenda for Wasp. However, Blackarachnia has Swoop capture Wasp in her latest attempt to get rid of her organic half. Jetfire and Jetstorm attack the Dinobots so Sentiel can get in, learning of Elita’s fate while Wasp emerges as Waspinator. Optimus and Bumblebee arrive as Waspinator realises Blackarachnia used him and attacks her, the transwarp energy inside him going critical. Though the Primes refuse to let her go again, Blackarachina sacrifices herself by covering herself and Waspinator in a web cocoon so the blast can effect only them while the ensuing explosion takes out a chunk of Dinobot Island. As Sentinel and Optimus finally move on as Sentinel’s group returns to Cybertron to deal with the chaos there, Blackarachnia survives and finds herself and the disembodied Waspinator in the jungle surrounded by a group of animals paying homage to the beast forms of the core group of Maximals from Beast Wars.

37 “Human Error, Part 1”

Porter C. Powell is selling Soundwave action figures on Christmas, and this has Optimus feeling a little uneasy. All seems well though until the Autobots wake up the next morning and discover that they have been turned into humans, and with the Autobots out of the way the decepticons move in with a full scale invasion. All hope seems lost but when the Autobots are able to fight back with unrealistic power, it’s clear there is more going on here than meets the eye.

38 “Human Error, Part 2”

It turns out that Soundwave has trapped the Autobots in a virtual reality intending to brainwashing them to his way of thinking. Now, Sari must free them before Soundwave completely turns them into Decepticons. She ends up gaining unlikely allies in Snarl, Scrapper, and Wreck-Gar.

39 “Decepticon Air”

The Space Bridge on Earth is finished. Meanwhile, the Elite Guard ship holding most of the Decepticon prisoners heads straight into an ominous space storm. The space storm reactivate Swindle who frees the Decepticon prisoners and takes over the ship. Optimus Prime identifies the “Broken Lance” code from Sentinel Prime and uses the Space Bridge to transwarp to the ship.

40 “This is Why I Hate Machines”

on his way to dinobot island scrapper and snarl’s boat begins to sink. snarl escapes to shore while scrapper finds dirt boss and mixmaster at the bottom of the ocean in vehicle mode, dirt boss has his front end stuck in the ground and mixmaster is half burried and offline. scrapper panicks and awakens mixmaster by pouring oil into his sparck chamber after bring him and dirt boss to shore. meanwhile megatron, starscream, and lugnut try to build starscream a new body.

41 “Endgame, Part 1”

The Autobots discover Omega Supreme’s energy signal on the Moon. Rachet insists on going there right away to save him, but Prime refuses, knowing that they are too weak to fight Megatron. Ratchet, Sari and Professor Sumdac build flight boosters for Optimus to even the chances. Prowl tries to put the Allspark back together, using processor over matter. Meanwhile, Shockwave finally gets Arcee’s codes and uses it on protoforms (stolen by Starscream, to make his clones) to duplicate Omega Supreme. Finally, Omega Supreme’s clones fly from the Moon to invade the Earth. The episode also shows some of Optimus Prime’s memories about being expelled from the Elite Guard and meeting the other main characters.

42 “Endgame, Part 2”

The three Lugnut Supremes touch down on Earth and launch a full scale assault on Detroit. While Optimus Prime and Prowl fight the Lugnut Supremes and take one down, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Sari head to the moon to rescue Arcee and reactivate Omega Supreme; Starscream then takes over the remaining two Supreme clones and initiates their selfdestruction. Prowl begins to gather the Allspark fragments to block the explosion, including Starscream’s fragment, killing Starscream for good. Failing to gather enough, Prowl sacrifices his Spark and makes an Allspark force field that surrounds the last selfdestructing Starscream Supreme. Megatron attacks one last time, but is defeated and arrested by Optimus. The Autobots have won, captured Megatron, Shockwave, and Lugnut, and returned to Cybertron with Prowl’s body and several rescued protoforms that Master Yoketron (Prowl’s Cyber-Ninja master) died protecting.

Season Four

The unproduced fourth season would be centered on Energon, since the Allspark left Energon deposits all over Detroit and the surrounding area following the events of "Endgame". On August 17, 2019, the United Kingdom-based Transformers event TFNation 2019 an outline of the season's movie-length premier "Trial of Megatron" was presented by Marty Isenberg, with most of the show's original cast reprising their original roles in that fashion.

43/44/45 "Trial of Megatron"

In the aftermath of the Decepticons' defeat, an unprepared Optimus is pushed into conflict with Sentinel for the position of Magnus. Sentinel will do anything to keep his power, and is not afraid to play dirty. Wanting to learn more about her origins, Sari begins her Cybertronian education under Arcee and Autoboot training with Kup.

Sentinel separates Team Optimus by having Bumblebee endorse him as Magnus while having the Powermaster armor created. Bulkhead's hometown is targeted by a Decepticon strike force under the command of General Strika as they raid Energon farms. When Sentinel meets with Megatron, offering him better treatment for intel on the raiding 'Cons, Megatron uses both Sentinel's incompetent authoritarianism and his own public trial to his advantage.

Sentinel's plan has backfired drastically, as Megatron's trial is revealed to have been a distraction for a spectacular prison break. Blasting the Decepticon capital city of Kaon free from Cybertron's surface, Megatron manages to cripple the Elite Guard using a captured Sentinel as an explosive projectile. Optimus and his crew (Bumblebee, Sari, Ratchet, Jazz, and Ironhide) must stop Megatron from making his ultimate play as he sets the mobile Kaon on a collision course with Earth.

46 "Turf War"

The Autobots find themselves in the midst of a "turf war" between the Constructicons and other Decepticons when Dirt Boss discovers a new way of becoming the "big bot" of Detroit by gaining control of Energon deposists in the city. To this end, Dirt Boss unleashes his latest "project": Devastator.

47 "This is Why I Hate Organics"

Rattletrap finds himself on Earth, surrounding by the one thing he fears: organics. He manages to scan an Earth vehicle mode, but he quickly finds himself a target for both Autobots and Decepticons alike.

48 "Mirror, Mirror"

Attempting to transwarp back to Earth to rejoin their friends, Bulkhead and Sari enter a mirror universe with evil Autobots and heroic Decepticons.

49 "Gremlins in the Geers"

The Minicons who run Kaon are on the loose and causing all kinds of havoc in Detroit by disassembling all machinery they come across- including the Autobots. To save their friends, Ratchet and Fanzone must team up to stop the renegade Minicons.

50 "What a Tangled Web We Have"

The circumstances of Blackarachnia falling in with the Decepticons, as well as her connections with both Blitzwing and her new army of techno-organic "Predacons", are revealed.

51 "S.T.E.A.M."

The Autobots are forced to save their detractors when steampunk tool-using, anti-technological vigilantes called "Save The Earth And Mankind" fight back against what they think spells the end of humanity and run afoul of the returning Soundwave.

52 "It Came from (Planet) Cybertron"

An Autobot named Cosmos has an important message for Optimus, and comes to Earth to tell him. After scanning a prop flying saucer from the set of a B-movie, hi-jinks ensue as Cosmos loses his memory and comes to believe he is a legitimate alien invader.

53 "Triple Threat"

In his new Triple Changer form, Megatron proceeds to ruthlessly obtain Energon. However, this body has the tragic side effect of Megatron developing the unstable personality of a one-bot army blowing away anything and anyone in his path.

54 "Allspark-alypse Now!"

Sentinel comes to Earth and intends to use the AllSpark to kill Megatron. Using AllSpark fragments and Cybertronians empowered by them as a way of communicating from the Well of AllSparks, Prowl tells Optimus about the consequences of Sentinel's ideas.

55 "Process of Elimination"

Bumblebee investigates a series of deadly attacks on his old boot camp platoon who are being picked off by a mysterious assailant. All signs point to either Waspinator or Shockwave until they are also attacked, thus deepening the mystery.

56 "Trukk vs. Munky"

Optimus faces off against one of Blackarachnia's loyal Predacon subjects: a failed cloning experiment named Primal Major.

57/58 "Megatron Must Be Destroyed!"

As Megatron's machinations of reformatting Earth into a new Decepticon homeworld reaches fruition and threaten the entire planet, unholy alliances arise between the Autobots, Decepticons under the command of the Starscream clone Slipstream, Blackarachnia's Predacons, and the Dinobots to defeat Megatron once and for all with many casualties abound.

As a Powermaster-enhanced Optimus battles Megatron, Sari discovers a deeper connection between herself and someone familiar that may save the Earth and Cybertron.

Previously: Cybertron

Next Up: Prime

The past is the greatest teacher.
- Kup